Chevrolet is one of the most influential automotive manufacturing companies in the world.
They are renowned for their quality and have vehicles at the top of almost every automotive market. The pickup truck market is no exception.
The Chevy Colorado is one of the finest in Chevrolet’s lineup of pickup trucks. Despite this, however, it still has flaws that cause startup issues.
You may even get a situation where you must ask, “Why won’t My Chevy Colorado start?”.
This could signify issues with the battery or errors in critical systems such as the fuel or electrical systems.
Essentially, your problem could be related to one of the following:
- Fuel/Fuel Pump Failure
- Battery Issues
- Alternator Issues
- Starter Motor Problems
- Defective Key/Key Fob
If your Chevy Colorado is not starting up, you might have difficulty figuring out the source of the problem.
For this reason, I recommend that you read this article to the end, as I have summarized most of the major sources which could be causing your start-up problem.
Table of Contents
- 1 What Would Cause A Chevy Colorado To Not Start?
- 2 Frequently Asked Questions
- 2.1 Q1. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start With New Battery?
- 2.2 Q2. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start Even With A Jump?
- 2.3 Q3. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start But Lights Work?
- 2.4 Q4. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start But Cranks?
- 2.5 Q5. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start Just Clicks?
- 2.6 Q6. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start In The Cold Weather?
- 2.7 Q7. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start After I Get Gas?
- 2.8 Q8. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start But Radio Works?
- 3 Conclusion
What Would Cause A Chevy Colorado To Not Start?
Although getting a mechanic involved with any problem related to your vehicle is good, you can first check these components mentioned above.
As a rule of thumb, a mechanic will check these first, as these are usually the main culprit with start-up problems.
1: Fuel/Fuel Pump Failure
Before you completely rule out your fuel pump, you should first check your fuel filter. A fuel filter in a Chevy Colorado will not wear out, but there is a possibility that it might be clogged.
If this is the case, then the engine will seem to lose performance or even might not start up in extreme blockages.
It is easy to forget to get your gas filled and wonder why your car is not starting. If that is not the case, you should check the fuel pump.
The fuel pump is responsible for providing the engine with fuel at the right pressure.
If the fuel pump fails to do this task, the engine will not be able to start up properly. Ensure you have a filled tank before tinkering with your fuel system.
What Should You Do About It?
- Generally, if you start hearing whining noises from your engine, that is the first sign that your fuel pump is going bad.
- When you attempt to start the engine, you should hear a click identifying that the fuel pump is active.
- If there is sputtering of the engine when attempting to start up, that means there is not enough fuel pressure.
- The sputtering could mean clogging in the fuel filter, so fingers crossed, you might not have to spend the money to get the fuel pump replaced.
- If there is no response from the engine at all, then it means that the fuel pump has failed, and you need to get it replaced.
2: Battery Problems
The battery is one of the most important, if not the most, components in any vehicle. And the Chevy Colorado is no exception to this.
Multiple things could go wrong with a battery that can prevent you from being able to start your engine. A low-charge battery can mean it is either not charging up or dying.
You could have a low charge in the battery if it is not providing sufficient power to the engine and other components.
Conversely, it could also be the case that there is corrosion on the terminals. This can also block the flow of electricity.
What Should You Do About It?
- You should do a voltage test to see if your battery is up to charge for Chevy Colorado’s requirements.
- The voltage requirement is 12 Volts, so make sure your battery supplies that.
- If that is not the case, you can check your battery at the shop to see if it is dying or is just out of charge. You can easily get a working battery charged.
- You may take a damaged battery to the shop to see if it can be repaired.
- Most stores usually exchange damaged batteries for a new battery at a discounted rate.
- Try to keep the terminals as dry as possible, so corrosion is avoided. You can also oil up the terminals to avoid corrosion as well.
3: Alternator Issues
In many cases where people replace batteries that run out of power, they end up back at the mechanic’s shop with the same issue.
In such cases, the problem is not with the battery. Instead, it has to do with the alternator of the vehicle. This problem has been reported many times in different Chevy Colorado models.
The alternator is the component that takes the energy created during combustion and converts it into electricity.
It is responsible for providing energy to all the electrical components after it generates this electricity.
Moreover, the alternator also converts direct current to alternating current for the components that run on it.
So an alternator being defective means that there is a high possibility that you may be unable to start the vehicle.
What Should You Do About It?
- If you end up having an out-of-charge battery soon after you had the battery changed, it is time to have your alternator checked.
- Since the Chevy Colorado is a very complicated vehicle, you should get the alternator checked by a professional.
- Get second and third opinions as you might be able to get the alternator fixed instead of having to spend the money on a new one.
- However, if you want the safer option, it is better to replace the alternator if it is defective, as the repairs do not last very long.
- Make sure that you clean your alternator regularly so that you do not have to deal with this problem again in the future.
4: Starter Motor Problems
The starter motor is the major component in the start-up of your vehicle’s engine.
If this is broken, there is no other way of starting the vehicle until you either get this fixed or get a replacement.
Some workarounds involve whacking the motor with a stick while attempting to start up; however, these are dangerous.
The average lifespan for the starter motor in Chevy Colorado is between 100,000 to 150,000 miles. This lifespan is shortened the more you start up your engine.
In any case, since the starter motor has a limited lifespan, it will eventually break down. This will make you unable to start your vehicle.
What Should You Do About It?
- The starter motor is a very compact component. So, unless you are a professional yourself, I highly recommend that you get it checked by a professional.
- This is because starter motors are usually located in places where there are a lot of other delicate and complex components connected.
- There is a high chance that while trying to reach the starter motor, you might end up damaging those.
- A broken starter motor for a Chevy Colorado cannot be repaired. So you will need to get a replacement for it.
- Ensure you get the starter motor from a reputable manufacturer or one recognized by Chevrolet.
- This is because Chevy Colorado’s components are connected to the onboard diagnostics system (OBD), and it might not be able to support it.
5: Defective Key/Key Fob
The vehicle’s inability to start could also be caused by a defective key. In rare cases, a key can turn and if it is defective, the vehicle will not let the engine start up.
This can be because of a bent key or a problem in the keyhole. It could also be the case that you have a weak key fob battery.
There are models of the Chevy Colorado where the vehicle comes equipped with a start-stop button instead of where you can insert the key.
So sometimes, you might be unable to start the vehicle with the start-stop button as well.
What Should You Do About It?
- Firstly, the defective key problem is very rare, so it is best to look for alternative sources for the problem beforehand.
- If you have a key fob, the solution could be as simple as bringing the key fob close to the start-stop button and seeing if that starts the vehicle.
- Conversely, in the above case, you can even install a new battery in the key fob to start normally.
- If the methods mentioned above fail, you can get a new key fob programmed for your vehicle from a Chevrolet store.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start With New Battery?
An improperly installed battery can be the reason for Chevy Colorado to not start up.
Please make sure the terminals for your battery are connected properly.
Conversely, if the connectors are loose, the current might not be able to flow properly.
If you are sure that is not the case, check the alternator.
Q2. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start Even With A Jump?
Jumpstarting is a great alternative to start any vehicle if the battery is out of charge or the alternator is not working properly.
If you are sure that both of these are working fine, and you are still unable to jump-start your Chevy Colorado, check the ignition system.
Q3. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start But Lights Work?
This is a common problem if you have used your Chevy Colorado on the same battery for a while.
Since lights require much less power than the ignition system, the lights can turn on. The solution is to get a battery or get the current one charged.
Q4. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start But Cranks?
A vehicle being able to crank when not being able to start up is a sign that the electrical system is working properly.
This indicates that whatever the issue causing the start-up problem is not an electrical component. So it is time to get in touch with a mechanic.
Q5. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start Just Clicks?
This is a very bad sign. When faced with a start-up problem, a Chevy Colorado clicking points directly towards the vehicle’s electrical system.
The source of the problem can then be quite difficult to pinpoint. There is also the fact that electrical components are rarely repairable and end up being replaced.
Q6. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start In The Cold Weather?
Condensation of water in the fuel lines is a common problem in all vehicles in the winter, especially if you keep your vehicle parked in the snow.
Chevy Colorado’s latest models have seen less of this issue. However, it is still possible to happen.
Q7. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start After I Get Gas?
This can be because of the reasons above related to your Chevy Colorado fueling system.
A blockage in the fuel filter will cause inconsistent fuel pressure after a fill-up. The problem can even be as severe as being related to a faulty fuel pump.
Q8. Why Won’t My Chevy Colorado Start But Radio Works?
This is because components like the radio require much less electrical power to run. Your best bet is to get your Chevy Colorado’s battery checked.
Related: What Are The Worst Years For The Chevy Colorado?
A head-scratching question as simple as “Why won’t my Chevy Colorado start?” may have quite a complex solution as an answer.
Despite being among some of the top-of-the-line pickup trucks available on the market, the Chevy Colorado does have its issues.
These can show up with the vehicle deteriorating over time from constant usage.
Although there are a lot more possibilities in terms of what could be the source of this problem, I have done my best to summarize the most highly likely ones.
I recommend getting your vehicle checked by a professional mechanic regardless if you have found the issue.

I am Tahir Azam, and I have been writing amazing articles for TaxiHack for as long as I can remember. I know everything that is to know when it comes to automobiles and is always on top of industry news and developments. While I am not an expert by any means, I pride myself on knowing the ins and outs of many different problems and, of course, their solutions. The articles on our website are some of the best and well-researched content that you will find, and I spend countless hours making sure this remains to be true. This is why I ask you to take your time out and read some of my articles, especially if you find a topic that resonates with you or is something you are looking into. This way, you will find the perfect mix of information and tips on your desired topic. Learn more about Tahir.