Before you decide to time your windows in Massachusetts, you need to know about the laws. This is because tinting your vehicle’s windows too dark can put you in a lot of trouble.
Tinting window laws will explain how reflective the windows should be and how dark each window of the vehicle can be.
You must also know that you are not permitted to use tint film whenever you like as there are certain procedures to follow first.
Massachusetts window tint laws suggest that the vehicle’s windshield, whether sedan or SUVs and vans, should use non-reflective tint, which should be on the top 6” of the windshield.
Other than that, the front and back side windows and rear windows must let more than 35% of light inside the vehicle.
Now with that being said, let’s get in-depth about the laws in Massachusetts so you can have a better understanding.
I will discuss some important factors so you can make your tinting decision easily. Moreover, I have also answered some important questions which will be more beneficial for you.
Table of Contents
- 1 How Much Tint Darkness Is Legal In Massachusetts?
- 2 Window Tint Reflection And Tint Colors
- 3 Medical Exemption Of Window Tint Laws In Massachusetts
- 4 Get A Certified Sticker From The Company
- 5 Other Window Tint Law Rules And Regulations In Massachusetts
- 6 Cost Of Car Window Tint In Massachusetts
- 7 Frequently Asked Questions
- 8 Conclusion
How Much Tint Darkness Is Legal In Massachusetts?
The VLT is the proportion of light that a window tint permits to flow through your car windows, and every state’s permitted limitations are distinct.
In Massachusetts, the percentage of light authorized to enter through your film as well as glass is extremely particular to the state and differs for Passenger Automobiles as well as Multi-Purpose Automobiles.
Here I will be discussing the tint darkness limit of different vehicles, so be sure to read until the end.
Tint Darkness Limit For SUVs And Vans
The time darkness limit for SUVs and vans indicates that the windshield should use a non-reflective tint for the AS-1 line.
However, it can only be used on the top six inches of the windshield.
Other than that, when you decide on tinting the windows on front seat, back seat and rear windows, you must know that there should be at least 35% of VLT.
The light can be more than that, but just make sure it’s not less than 35%, as that will be considered too dark and not legal in Massachusetts.
Tint Darkness Limit For Sedans
Now coming over to the tint darkness limit for sedans, you must follow these laws for your vehicle, so you do not end up in problems.
1. Front Windshield
Moving on to the front windshield, make sure that you utilize the vehicle with the non-reflective tint on the AS-1 line. It can be on the top six inches of the windshield as well.
2. Front Seat Side Windows
Starting with the windows on the front-seat side, make sure that you let in more than 35 percent of light through the windows.
3. Rear Window
Moreover, the legal tint darkness limit for the rear windows is more than 35%. The light transmission should always be more than 35 percent.
4. Back Seat Side Windows
At last, the windows on the back seat side have the same VLT percentage as the front seat side windows and the rear windows.
Make sure it is no less than 35 percent because it can be illegal and cause you problems.
Window Tint Reflection And Tint Colors
- The great thing about window tinting is that it can reflect sunlight coming inside the vehicle and make sure it reduces heat inside so you do not feel uncomfortable.
- It’s important to note what window reflection is suitable and what must be avoided for your vehicle to achieve that comfort.
- The tint reflection on front-seat side windows for sedans, SUVs, and vans should not be above 35 percent.
- This also goes the same for the back seat windows for the vehicles, so make sure to follow them for better results.
- There are said to be no restrictions on the tint color you can use in the state of Massachusetts. You are free to use any available color.
Medical Exemption Of Window Tint Laws In Massachusetts
In Massachusetts, any driver who has a medical exemption is allowed to tint their automobile windows to whatever extent.
To qualify for this exemption, one must obtain a note from the doctor stating that window tinting is required for medicinal reasons.
One’s name, date of birth, and the particular purpose for tinting the windows must all be included in the information.
The letter must be kept in the vehicle when driving and displayed to a police officer if asked.
Get A Certified Sticker From The Company
The state law of Massachusetts highly recommends getting a sticker for window tinting, but you need to know that there are no requirements for stickers to specify legal window tinting in Massachusetts.
However, it is still best to have them on your vehicle.
Once you get the note from the doctor and fill in your information, take the note to the restricted motor vehicle office so they can hand out an exemption sticker which you can place on your vehicle.
Other Window Tint Law Rules And Regulations In Massachusetts
Other than the laws I have mentioned above, there are still some additional Massachusetts rules you must know about.
- Make sure to use dual-side mirrors only if the backside windows are tinted.
- There are no restrictions on the tint colors for your vehicle. It will be best to use gray, bronze, or green.
- The film producers are not required to certify the film they sell in Massachusetts.
- It is suggested by the state that you get a sticker for legal tinting, but it is not exactly required.
- If the tint color is not done accurately, you can get a $250 fine. It is also said that a third-time or following conviction can end up in a 90-day suspension of the driver’s license.
If you do not want to end up with fines or more serious problems, it is best to follow these rules when you tint the windows.
Cost Of Car Window Tint In Massachusetts
The cost of a car window tint in Massachusetts differs and depends from film to film. If you get a basic film mainly for a sedan vehicle, it can cost $150 to $200.
But a more high-class film like the ceramic one can cost around $400 or more. This is why it is also recommended to do it yourself as it can be cheaper and cost less than $100.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Is 15% Tint Legal In Massachusetts?
No, 15% tint is not legal in Massachusetts. Anything less than 35 percent is illegal.
Q2. Are 5% Tints Legal In Massachusetts?
No, 5% tint is said to be illegal in Massachusetts. But you can only use a 5 percent tint on the top 6 inches of the windshield.
Q3. Is Limo Tint Legal In Massachusetts?
No, Limo tint is not legal in Massachusetts. It is considered to be too dark for passengers and multipurpose vehicles. It can also be too difficult to see through.
Q4. Can I Get Pulled Over For Tint In Massachusetts?
You can get pulled over in Massachusetts if you violate their window tinting laws. You can also pay a fine or get your driver’s license suspended for a while.
Q5. How Much Is A Tint Ticket In Massachusetts?
A tint ticket in Massachusetts can cost around $250 or more, depending on the situation.
You can also get your driver’s license suspended for up to 90 days if you do not get the problems fixed immediately.
I hope now you are familiar with the Massachusetts tint laws and can easily decide based on the information I have provided above.
There are surely various restrictions when it comes to tinting your vehicle’s windows, but you should know that it is also for your benefit and safety.
It also makes your vehicle’s appearance a lot better and more aesthetic.
It will be best for you to follow the rules and regulations accordingly so you do not end up with serious problems such as getting your driver’s license suspended because Massachusetts is quite serious about its window tinting laws.

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